Inspiration, Medicine, Summer Programs

Revolutionary Steps For Their Journey Into Medicine

     Although the field of medicine is one of the most demanding areas of study to go into, it captures the hearts of many students, in particular, juniors Katherine Figueroa and Jennifer Llana. Both of these students were able to experience what they have dreamt their futures to be like at the University of Miami through two separate programs.

     Student Katherine Figueroa was a volunteer observer alongside pharmacists at the University of Miami Pharmacy Department. The application included personal information and a letter of recommendation which had to be signed off by the Head of the Pharmacy. She explained that her duties included writing down orders, checking expiration dates, and sorting drugs for patients and doctors. She enjoyed her daily activities and loathed the days where there was a lack of action due to her love for the occupation. Through this program, she was able to meet individuals who share her love for science and learn plenty from them. Her most memorable memory was the occasion where she restocked a crash cart for a surgery since she felt as a true member of a team by helping doctors save lives. Figueroa states, “surgery has always been very appealing to me and the day I saw that operating room being prepped and the surgery start, I’ll never forget that feeling of pure excitement.”

     Many see Figueroa as an individual who has their whole life planned ahead of them, but prior to this program she was lost. Many students resonate with Figueroa since several of them are unsure of their passion. “…Lately I’ve been quite uninspired and unmotivated to pursue my dream of practicing medicine since I see many students at school be so much more intelligent, more motivated and dedicated than me”, she states. High school students are constantly under pressure regarding their futures, but it is important to remember that there are endless possibilities for jobs and several ways to get there. Hoping to learn more, she wishes to participate in various “observerships” where she will be able to experience glimpses into possible career choices.

Katherine Figueroa alongside other pharmacists at the

University Of Miami!

     Another student, Jennifer Llana, was able to attend a week long program at the University of Miami in order to explore the fields of medicine and psychology. The application included personal information and an essay regarding why you would like to attend the program. Although the cost is $650 including lunch and materials, Llana won a scholarship which paid for the entire program. Throughout the program, she was able to reinforce her passion for medicine as she states, “one thing is your idea of medicine but another is what the hand on work truly consist of.”  She recommends others who are interested in the field of medicine to look into this program as “it will open your eyes to what medicine is really like” since it is important to be aware of what these fields consist of instead of blindly going into them in the future.

Jennifer Llana presenting on Pituitary Adenoma (a tumor which affects the pituitary gland in a humans brain).

     Even though she enjoyed every moment of the program, her favorite moment was walking into Jackson Hospital since they were able to observe the hospital environment while applying some material that they learned in class. “This program showed me the beauty and difficulty of medicine”, Llana states, “…science isn’t all of it. There are human beings on the other side of a doctor’s table with needs and hurts”. Not only did she learn more about the academic side of medicine, but she also learned that “…medicine isn’t only about loving the science, but about loving people too”.

     Through these programs, these two students were able to grow from their experiences and further develop their admiration for the field of science and medicine.