Inspiration, Personal Life, Student Spotlight

What Are Firebirds Thankful For?


        Every year, on the last Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States. It has become an integral part of the country’s culture and its traditions. Apart from being celebrated here in the U.S., it is also celebrated in countries around the world, like Canada, Brazil, and Australia. Originally to give thanks for a good harvest, it’s a day for people to give thanks for the blessings they have received throughout the year. It’s a day to give thanks for our family, our friends, and many more things.


       While 2020 hasn’t been the best, there are still some things that we can give thanks for. In the week prior to Thanksgiving, I had asked some of my fellow firebirds what they are thankful for. They all were thankful for a range of different things, recent and future opportunities, health, and even their favorite artists. Here are some firebird’s answers when they were asked “What are you thankful for in your life?”



      Leonardo La Rosa, a junior at school, mentioned that he was thankful for being healthy and having a happy family. Apart from that, he also said how he was happy to have the ability to play the sports he loves.


       Melissa Ruiz mentioned to me that the thing she was most thankful for was her family. Her family migrated to the United States for a better life with more opportunities. “With them moving over here they were able to provide me with a life that I would not have been able to have in Cuba,” she remarked. Moreover, she is thankful for them always being there to support her and for her to lean on.


      Maria Victoria Vidal, a sophomore, told me that she was thankful for her family and having people close to her that she trusts. A thought that is very important to have is that of many individuals in which she can confide in.


      Gabriela Suarez brought up that she was thankful for, “being able to be alive today and for being able to finally be happy with my life.” Also, she’s thankful for being presented with so many opportunities and having the ability to take full advantage of them.



      Personally, I am thankful for so many things, my health, the food and shelter I have, and most of all my family. I am thankful for the little things in my life that have allowed me to get to where I am right now. Also, the things that are yet to come, the opportunities that I am looking forward to. So, now I ask you to look around, ask yourself, and think: What am I thankful for?