Advice, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Managing Stress, Personal Life

Struggling to sleep? These tips may help

Sleep is vital to the human body, and it is important that we get enough sleep each night to prepare for the next day, especially as some of us must get up earlier than others to arrive at school on time. Students in middle and high school should be receiving 8-10 hours of sleep according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, yet we can spot classroom snoozers daily. Why does it seem that we can’t just manage to catch enough Z’s before 7:30?

There are many variables to why we may not meet the expected hours, such as extra curricular activities like sports or having to cover someone’s shift, which may be less flexible to schedule adjustments. Despite those, here are three tips which may help you catch the bus in the morning.

Tip #1: Put the Phone down


We all expected this one, it’s the classic “it’s because of that dang computer” reason that we expect from our parents. It’s true though, using our phones before bed can drastically affect the way we sleep.

Blue light damage

Phone screens emit blue light, which can be harmful to the eye without protection, i.e. blue-light glasses. It essentially slows down the creation of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle, commonly known as the circadian rhythm. This may lead to sleepiness during the day, problems with memory, and low alertness.

Heightened attention, when you’re trying to sleep. 

Whatever it could be playing your favorite mobile game or scrolling through your preferred media platform, your heightened sense of attention disrupts a time meant to be calm. Even if the content isn’t exactly intense or spark feelings of the same sort, your brain is still swallowing the information you’ve just looked at, not giving it proper time to rest. It’s as if you’re parking a car, you gently put your foot on the brake pedal instead of slamming down the brakes.

Don’t let it make a sound

Put your phone on Do Not Disturb and silent the ringer, and leave it on the other side of your room an hour before going to bed. Take the time to put it to charge to have your phone prepared for the next day. It may be tempting to just take one more peek, but it’ll be worth the upcoming morning.

Tip #2: Relieve any Stress before bed

Life isn’t as carefree as it used to be, how many things did we worry about back then in 5th grade? It could be homework, college, social situations, etc, all the stress building throughout the week, quarter, semester, the whole year. Stress causes the “fight or flight” response, which makes it difficult for your body to relax, and therefore, sleep.

Give yourself a little stretch.

Doing stretching activities, like Yoga exercises, exert the stress from your muscles which help your body relax. It can be an entire session or a quick one-two stretch, as long as you experience that satisfying sigh by the end. Give it a shot, it could be that simple.

Clear up your mind.

Give meditation a try. It’s not all about crossing your legs and connecting your index fingers and thumbs. Oftentimes we have plenty of things on our mind, such as previously mentioned school and home life, along with anything that may be happening to you personally. It’s easier said than done, but take a deep breath, focus, and enter a space of tranquility. Put on some music too if you’d like. It will help destress your brain, and therefore help you catch up on some Z’s.