Social Media And How It Impacts Our Lives At School
While many have heard the phrase “be careful of what you post and share online”, some of us simply ignore or don’t pay much attention to this, avoiding the potential consequences that could arise from not being cautious on social media platforms. These consequences can dramatically change the way you are perceived by others, especially your closest peers or those attending the same school as you. Posting or saying something that you believe others will not see can be shared in an instant and can spread quickly. Clicking the “send” or “share” button on a video or photo can dramatically change your life in an instant. If something that you posted or shared online is not appropriate, offends certain people or is something you would not say to someone in person, the possibility of facing harassment or bullying at school is highly probable as well as facing punishment from school officials.
You don’t have to post something offensive or inappropriate to be harassed at school either. Simply sharing a photo in which you thought you appeared presentable and made you feel confident about yourself can be used against you. Many adolescents at school are cruel and don’t have any shame in putting someone down if they do not fit their standard of “beauty”, which causes them to torment and intimidate those that they do not see as worthy of being beautiful based on their appearance. Something as harmful as posting yourself on social media or sharing something about you or your characteristics can cause you severe torture and humiliation if not well-received by your peers at school.
Bullying at school can also transfer to online hate as well. Other students can post images or videos of you that make fun or spread lies about you in order to create some sort of reaction out of you. Even those who are unable to talk down on you in person during school have the ability to do it online. Statistics show that 88% of teens using social media say that they have seen something mean or cruel directed at a person through various platforms while 36% of teens on social media have said that they have been cyber bullied as well teens aged 15-17 have the highest percentage of being cyber bullied.
School is often said to be a safe environment for everyone attending it, but due to social media and its influence on our younger generation, many students have been robbed of having a pleasant experience while trying to gain an education. Harassment and bullying at school will only increase as more children and teens obtain access to social media, giving them the opportunity to cause more hurt and sadness to their fellow classmates and friends. It is important to recognize how much power our lives on social media have over our personal relationships and outlook on others as we must be cautious of what we share to others on various online platforms.