Advice, Faculty Spotlight, High School

Mr. Dearing: On the World of Words

To those who choose to embrace it, the English language can, as Mr. Dearing put it, cast a spell on us. It has the unique ability to express thoughts and emotions that other mediums simply can’t. For this reason, it takes much time and effort to master. I have had the privilege of being in Mr. Dearing’s class and am constantly awed by his ability to write and analyze. This being said, I sat down with him Wednesday afternoon to discuss the subject of English and how he became so skilled. 

A Turning Point

Like many other talented writers, Mr. Dearing also had a turning point in his academic voice. According to him, when he was a senior in high school, his AP Literature teacher assigned a task that “pulled back the veil” on the secrets to writing that he had been missing. He was given a poem and was instructed to analyze it in comparison to its criticisms and commentary that was found in his school’s library. “I had never seen that kind of analytical writing before and I was absolutely mesmerized by it,” he disclosed after careful reflection. Since then, he thought more critically and deeply into the things he was reading, a concept he inspires in his students.

Literary Influence

The books we read play an enormous role in our style of writing. In regard to this subject, Mr. Dearing revealed, “The first book that kinda shocked me into the enormous power of language was Macbeth.” It was assigned to him in high school before winter break and it was the first time he had to read Shakespeare in a sustained way so, naturally, he struggled. Each time he’d read a passage, it would convey something different. He’d come to the discovery that that was the genius of diction, that “it was like a prism the way that Shakespeare used language.” This experience was what really shocked him into the grandeur of language.

Advice for Future Writers

“Any opportunity to write is the right opportunity.” That is Mr. Dearing’s sage advice to future bloggers, authors, and teachers. He feels that getting your voice in writing, fostering an idea, is always the right choice. It is like developing a skill set, it requires practice and consistency which is why whenever an opportunity presents itself to write, you should embrace it and use it to strengthen your skills.