Improving Confidence: One Step at a Time

Through her experience, she realized that she was not the only student who was afraid of what the course expected from her. “When I took the class and was struggling, I would have loved to have someone around my age with experience to support me and guide me…” she recalls. After speaking to Ms. Montenegro, she devised a plan to create a tutoring and mentorship program throughout the beginning of the school year. Saad continues by explaining that “…together, [they] would put together lesson plans for the sessions, selecting the appropriate works and activities to cover.”

“Ms. Montenegro has truly been my biggest supporter since the very beginning. Being my AP English Language teacher, she was always willing to help me and wanted to see me be successful” she declared. Gradually, she began receiving even more encouragement from Mr. Dearing and Mr. Montenegro.
“I hope they will take the seemingly cliche advice I’ve given about never being afraid to ask for help, trusting the process, and believing in themselves with them throughout the rest of their school career and beyond.”
Valerie goes on to explain her undying love for helping others by explaining that it brings her “the purest form of joy.” Due to her service to the students, she has also earned a nomination as a Silver Knight, a prestigious award which honors academic excellence and community service. She aspires to become an English teacher and has been able to gain experience in a classroom setting due to her project. “Since I was recently in their position, I have been able to understand their struggles and sympathize with them” she elaborates, “I have been able to put them at ease and give them advice…”
Expressing her love for the subject, Saad declares “…an impact, no matter how small, is still an impact nonetheless.”