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How To Stay Organized This New School Year

For a lot of us this year, this is our first time back at school in over a year. While online school had its perks, it feels good to re-gain a familiar sense of normalcy in our lives. In honor of this new school year, here are some of my top tips for you to stay organized, and hopefully stress-free.

Use A Planner

I’m sure we’ve all heard of this little book with calendar views and daily boxes called a planner. It may seem overrated, but it’s truly a great tool to keep track of important assignments and dates for school. There are so many different types of planners to fit your needs, whether you appreciate nice designs or simplicity in your daily life. I love using sticky notes to write additional information and have easy access to the page I’m using. You could also use different pens and highlighters to create a color-coordinated system that works for you and stay motivated to keep track of your schoolwork.



Google Calendar

If a physical planner isn’t your style, try the Google Calendar app. It allows you to add events and tasks to differentiate between exam dates and homework assignments. You can download it on your phone, tablet, or use the website on your laptop for convenience. Lots of students are adopting a new digital system this year, and Google Calendar is a great extension to manage your school schedule. As always, you can make the system work for you by employing different techniques like color coordination.


Google Keep

Another great digital tool to stay organized is Google Keep. This system lets users create lists and customize their functions to fit their lifestyles and needs. Personally, I utilize the checklist tool to create to-do lists categorized by my different subjects at school. Google Keep can also be used as an extension to Google Calendar, meaning the two applications can be open simultaneously with the click of a button.




At the end of a long day at school, the last thing you want to do is spend hours on homework assignments. While it may seem stressful at times, finding motivation is key to sustaining your school life and achieving great grades for a clear future. Make sure to remind yourself of your goals, whether it’s pursuing a higher education at university or keeping your grades up to stay on a sports team, it’s time to start envisioning homework as more than a pesky task.


Mental Breaks

While these are all great tips, nothing will assist you if your mental health isn’t in a good state. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need a break, take the time to practice self-care. Whether it’s having your favorite snack or riding a bike, taking the time to reset and attain clarity for yourself is important to succeed not only in school but in life. This new environment can take some time to get accustomed to, so don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re all learning as we go along.