
How Has Quarantine Affected the World Around Us?


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced everyone in the world to put an abrupt halt on their daily activities. Airplane travel, leisurely activities outdoors, commuting to work or school, etc. are no longer possible. Although this may seem like a negative time in our lives, it’s actually creating a positive change in the state of the environment.


Air quality

Ever since aviation was cut off and the exponential decrease in car travel, there have been significant changes in air quality. Satellite images have shown a decrease in Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions in the air. These gases are not only the primary gases in cars, but they are also the primary causes of air pollution. 


Urban wildlife

Human activity such as road traffic and people gathering in a public area has always been a burden for animal life. Animals who inhabited the grassland that are now buildings and roads can longer visit them. Although the damage has been done to their habitats, they can now roam without humans alerting wildlife services that an animal is in a public space.

Additionally, littering in the ocean has decreased significantly. With people unable to leave their homes to go fishing or boating, this allows marine life to thrive and not face the dangers of eating plastic or consuming toxic oils in comparison to pre-quarantine marine life.



Increase in waste 

Despite the pros of quarantine, the accumulation of plastic left behind by humans has led us back to square one. We have been taking precautions by purchasing disposable gloves and face masks, but in the end, these are single-use products that are bound to be thrown away.


The Ocean and Marine Life

While on the topic of water, quarantine has left a positive impact on the Venice canals. Brand new images have been released and the usually polluted waters are now clear and unsullied after their lockdown.

Along with road/air traffic, the decrease of cruise ships being boarded has created a quiet and serene environment for marine life. In fact, the noises of ships and man-made sirens disrupt the migration of oceanic organisms. However, now whales and other creatures can travel and communicate with tranquility.

Venice canals run clear, dolphins appear in Italy’s waterways amid coronavirus lockdown
Picture: Getty/Twitter


Quarantine has influenced our world in many degrees, that being improving the ecosystem or the air we breathe. Answers are unclear, but we all must work towards stabilizing this situation and doing our part by staying home.


Photo Credit: Laura Herrera and Sabrina Martinez