Extracurriculars, Inspiration, Student Spotlight

Meet a Police Explorer: Folukemi Olufidipe

Since the introduction of the Police Explorer Program to the City of Doral Police Department, a few of our fellow firebirds have had the privilege of becoming
a part of the team. The Police Explorer Program is one
that gives high schoolers the opportunity to work
alongside the Doral Police Department. Throughout the
program, the police explorers work with officers in
learning the variety of fields within law enforcement
while aiding the community. This program expands
leadership and self-discipline skills that are a vital part
of one’s educational journey.


Folukemi Olufidipe, a senior at Doral Academy, has been a police explorer for 4 years now. Despite Folukemi’s already overflowing schedule with managing student government historian and her various honor societies, she dedicates a portion of her time to this rigorous program. In the span of her time with the program, she has obtained over 1000 community service hours. She states, “whether it’s competition training or a physically taxing day at the Academy, Explorers teaches me that life is about serving the needs of the people around me.”


Besides the responsibilities bestowed upon her as a police explorer, for over a year and a half she has taken on the role of Administrative Lieutenant of the Doral Police Explorers Post 1211. As Administrative Lieutenant, she assists in recruitment, creates powerpoints for weekly training, and manages the paperwork of 30+ explorers. Through the program, her expertise in many areas has developed exponentially. Folukemi’s explains how “the Explorers program allows [her] to pursue [her] interests in social psychology and criminal law by working with the local law enforcement agency.”



To add to her extensive resume, she decided to be part of the 2019 Miami-Dade
Police Department Police Explorer Academy. In the Academy, she went through an
intense 3-week program that is designed to mirror the 8-month police academy for
aspiring police officers. The Academy consists not only of physical training such as
defensive tactics and tactical swimming but of learning many aspects of law enforcement
such as the 61 police codes. Throughout the Academy, she was designated the highest
role a police explorer could obtain, Class Leader.


Folukemi describes the impact of this program, stating that the “polished
badge and nameplate that sit on [her] desk, reflect the abnormal amount of time [she]has
spent in police stations- time that has been instrumental to [her] future career and
responsibility as an active leader in [her] community.” Folukemi has become a prime
example of a dedicated and devoted individual whose motivation will take her far.




If you are interested in becoming a part of the Doral Police Explorer Program, do not hesitate to seek more information at https://www.cityofdoral.com/police/divisions/special-