Advice, Managing Stress, Student Help

Dealing With Stress: Through The Eyes Of A Student

Stress is a factor that affects the majority of us students. However, it is something that can be managed through incorporating these tips into your daily life.

1. Plan ahead.

Don’t wait last minute to do what’s on your to-do list; what can be done today should be. Planning ahead is a great way to put time into whatever needs to be done, whether it be studying for an exam, a doctor’s appointment or even grocery shopping. Knowing you have the time to do it is the bliss of knowing you have more time to focus on yourself. Putting reminders on your phone is a great way to do this, as well as using a bullet journal. Just making sure it gets done is what matters in order to save you stress and time.

Being organized is hard, but the pay off is worth it. 

2. Eat right

We all know those days where we just want to lounge around in our pajamas and eat chips all day. Well, studies have shown a link between eating junk food and stress-related issues. It is important to eat what is good for you. Does the saying “A healthy outside starts from the inside” ring a bell? Putting the time into creating healthy meals is fun and easy. There are thousands of helpful apps on how to make beneficial meals for the mind and body. Traditional cookbooks are also a great way to find recipes from the good old days when mom made family dinners! Make sure to incorporate foods full of iron and vitamins such as kale and spinach. Grains, like whole grain bread and quinoa, are also just as important.

Although we spoke about this in the last article, we can’t stress this enough to you guys. 

3. Exercise

Exercise is tremendously important for the body as it has lifelong benefits. It also beats sitting around all day being stressed when you can use this as your outlet to relax. Studies have shown that exercise helps stress-related symptoms across the board. Something as simple as jogging can suffice. Doing it within a group of friends is also a great way to stay motivated, and joining a gym can offer numerous activities such as pilates, yoga, swimming and cycling.

This could be you and your friends but y’all playing! 

4. Mental Health

A stable mindset can help you achieve many goals and will hinder stress. Making sure to keep up with your mental health is essential, especially when being a student and juggling a social life. Stress can sneak around the corner and you do not even realize it! Being at peace is about spacing everything out in your mind and knowing that everything will be alright. A great way to keep track and blow off some stress is to keep a journal and write down what you have done for the day. There are numerous apps that allow you to always have your journal with you. Picking up hobbies also does wonders on the mind and puts oneself at ease. Dancing, drawing, and reading are all great hobbies to pass the time.

Allow yourself to feel. Accept everything you’re going through, and allow yourself to then BE yourself.