Art, Lifestyle, Talent

An Artist’s Journey

Sofia Oviedo

A remarkable senior in Doral’s Performing Arts Academy, she has accomplished to not only become Vice President of Doral’s very own National Art Honor Society, but given the opportunity to display her artwork at the Art Emporium alongside her peers Annabelle Correa and Brianna Rengifo. Although she has accomplished a lot in her most recent years, her journey with art began at a relatively young age. “Well, I’ve done art my whole life, literally. My first prominent memory that probably kick started my journey as an artist was when I was given a paint by numbers at 5 years old and didn’t pay attention to the instructions at all.”

Sofia and her two friends at the Art Emporium where their art was showcased! 

Sofia’s creativity had sparked at such an early age. Enrolling in Doral Academy enabled her to not only progress in her artistic skills, but put her creativity to use with contributions to the aesthetic aspects of our school. “From then on I was always enrolled in art classes, entered my first art competitions, painted a mural, and designed a class shirt in 6th grade.”

One of Sofia’s many amazing pieces. 

The supportive environment that her teachers have and continue to provide has truly benefited her artwork. They have always encouraged her to endeavor into foreign styles of artistry, aiding in her development as an artist. “Upon entering Doral, I was introduced to Mr. Lopez who allowed me to experiment with new materials and techniques, to which later on helped my acceptance into the Performing Arts Academy. From then on I was introduced to a variety of different artists, perspectives and teachers, like Mrs. Aguilera and Ms. Alvarez, who helped guide me in the development of my style and career.”

Her art style is one like no other. 

Through the direction of her teachers, Sofia has fueled her passion for art and painting. Events such as a variety of competitions, helping paint murals for the school, exhibiting at school sponsored events, and even having her own art gallery showing have allowed her to hone her craft. Sofia has many inspirations for her art, some of them being authors, philosophers, and artists. “I like Kafka, Sarte and Basquiat. They thoroughly inspire me; as well as my own personal experiences and my subconscious reactions to them.”

Although Sofia has no definite career choice, she likes to view her future with ambiguity and in a field that is involved with art. “I am, in all honesty, a bit lost when it comes to my desired career choice. I definitely aspire to pursue a creative field but whether it be art directory, urban planning, or anything of the like is beyond me.”

Having high prospects for her future and education, she has been accepted into Florida International University which she will be attending next fall. Congrats fellow firebird!