Inspiration, Student Spotlight, Talent

Tri-M: Changing the World of Music for Our Students

      Music is one of the most encouraged and beautiful forms of expression at Doral Academy. With hundreds of students that play at least one instrument and hundreds more that are Performing Arts students, Tri-M was a society that would become home to many. Providing endless opportunities for exposure and practice, Tri-M, which stands for Modern-Music-Masters, has enabled various students to be their very best at their preferred art form. 


“Tri-M is a way for community-building in the music industry and another way to make connections with people that share the same passions as you.”


      Dr. Yanes, the founder and current sponsor for Tri-M, encourages all students who are taking a Music class to join the Honors society. He ensures that there will always be people that share the same passion for music as you, as well as an infinite amount of opportunities to put yourself out there and step out of your comfort zone. He pushes for small concerts and shows for the students to be able to truly showcase their talent to the public. Prior to quarantine, Tri-M occasionally held spill out jams. This was one of the best opportunities for all of the branches to work together and create something fantastic. For instance, a singer will sometimes be accompanied by one of the Violinists or Keyboard players or even the occasional drummer. 



      “Something I like about our way of grouping together is the creative control and responsibility that the students take. I supervise and they come up with everything on their own. Concerts, programs, they volunteer to help out around the school when we do host these events and things like that. The students that step up and take that initiative to help those around them and still be their best are what keep the society running.”


      They all take pride in their community service and fundraising as well. Just last year, they raised over $500 for the Live Like Bella Cancer Foundation, and they used to sing at the local Pre-K in Doral for Christmas. While they are currently debating this year’s Christmas project, we know to expect great things from them. The ongoing pandemic has slowed down their usual flow of productivity, but the students and officers consistently stay in contact for new projects and already have plans for a virtual holiday show. 


      With COVID-19 still ravaging the country and the talk of returning to school for the 2021-2022 school year up in the air, Tri-M still plans on hosting their monthly meetings and seeking any opportunities for the group. There have been proposals for virtual AP Music Theory review sessions held by the AP students and officers for the younger students.



“[Tri-M] is about community outreach, engagement within the school, and promotion of talent of our student membership. Our vision is what the Honors society is all about and we stay true to that vision every single year.”


      All four branches [Orchestra, Band, Keyboard, and Choir] are normally brought together in hopes of making the society more inclusive and to hopefully influence others to continue doing their best at all times. Students in the board speak out about the upperclassmen always trying to engage with the younger students in order to, not only promote proactivity but to hopefully stir up the same passions they feel in others. Tri-M is considered to be the ‘recharge’ of musical energy outside of regular classes for the majority of students as well as a second family.


      “I started the society almost 20 years ago. Everything we do is completely voluntary and I don’t have to be here. The officers and the board don’t have to be here either. We all stay and participate because we love what we do and we love to work and collaborate together. I’m very proud of the success and progress I’ve seen in all the students and what I’m most proud of is knowing that we’re giving our students the possibility to do everything they should be getting out of their high school experience.”