Advice, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

Simple Ways A Healthy Diet Can Improve Your School Life

As a vegan, I’ve learned a lot of important things when it comes to health, wellness, and most important of all, food. Nutrition and food are key! to feeling good in school, no matter which way you put it. Our bodies and how we treat them can really affect our performance in the classroom. For most it’s difficult to stay energized and focused in school, I’m here to help with that.

Simple H2O.

When in school you should ALWAYS have a water bottle no matter what. As we all know, water is an essential for the human body to even function properly, but we often find ourselves not prioritizing it, especially in our daily routines. Drinking a glass of water at the start of your day makes you feel refreshed and hydrated after a long night of sleep. Drinking water during the day also kick starts your digestive system and allows food to digest smoothly. Carrying around a bottle of water has definitely made a world of difference for me. Ever since I started drinking water regularly I’ve felt more awake and focused than I ever felt before (plus, my skin has definitely benefited from this change as well).

Water can definitely change your performance throughout your day.

When water is just that good.

Snacks, Snacks, Snacks!

Along with the time crunch of having one lunch period and being surrounded by junk food, to say the least it’s not easy to find food that’ll reinvigorate you in the middle of a school day. A way to satisfy your hunger and cravings are to bring snacks from home. Snacks may vary from small fruits and vegetables to chips and dip. I strongly recommend and love the combination of carrots and hummus.

It’s simple, great, and benefit your body. We tend to overeat when we feel hungrier than normal. Snacks will hold you off till the end of the day and condition your body to a nice routine. Also, you won’t be tempted to buy junk food.

The better your food is, the better you’ll feel!

Meal Prep.

Preparing your meals ahead of time is one of the best things you can do. Making the effort to plan out your meals can help keep track of all the nutrients that you consume in the day and maintain a healthy weight. It could also keep you from unhealthy temptations at the vending machines. There is a wonderful feeling that comes with eating your own made food.

Always remember, your health is number one!

I think anyone can take away something valuable from these tips just as much as I have.  I’ve lived by all of these and have seen the results every time. If you follow through everyday, trust me, you’ll feel better (and look better) than you’ve ever felt before.