Academic Achievements, Student Spotlight

She Scores a 1500 And Is Still Striving For More


Nathalia has accomplished something amazing and worth celebrating over, but here’s a different perspective coming from the source.

Nathalia Compres


A few weeks ago, junior Nathalia Compres scored a 1500 on her first SAT. When asked for advice regarding studying, she stated “I learn best through lectures so my studying consists of watching videos on the subject. Other people I know study best through reading and writing, so your studying habits depend on you.”

Even though scoring 1500 points out of 1600 on a first attempt is a feat most would be proud of, Compres believes she could do better. “Looking back at all I’ve accomplished, obviously there is some sense of pride. However, no matter how successful you are there is always a sense that it’s not enough. I’m the kind of person that is really tough on myself, so even if I get a 90 on the test, I think about how it could’ve been 100” she says, “Most people around me congratulate me for what I have accomplished, and while I am thankful for that, my motivations are purely intrinsic.” Hard work pays off, but the wins don’t stop there.   

Nathalia has always worked hard throughout her high school career.

Aside from her high test scores, Compres also shines in visual art while battling five Advanced Placement courses and several clubs. When losing motivation, she chooses to think of her younger self and how far she has come,  “…a girl who didn’t know more than a few words of English would’ve never expected to get to this point. Although I don’t agree with Nietzsche’s overall philosophy, he was right when he said, “He who has a Why to live, can bear almost any How.”

She’s seen posing here with one of our writers, Emily, and a friend, Esteban, after competing at an Ethics Bowl competition. 

As for career aspirations, she would like to be a teacher. “I know very well that I will be underpaid and over-stressed but I believe it’s a beautiful profession that makes a huge impact on people.” She claims that people often give her “weird looks” because of this, most likely because they believe she would aim for a job with a ‘higher status’ due to her stellar academic excellence.  Aside from career goals, she also aspires to be “the best person [she] can be, regardless of the circumstances that surround [her]” as she believes that is where true happiness lies.

We hope you take this story as an inspiration as it’s a different perspective of academic success.