Where Will Doral Academy Be In 20 Years?
What will Doral Academy be like in 20 years? Will there be more buildings? New teachers? More technology? Our students had a few ideas to share.
Doral Academy Charter High Junior, Manuel Rodriguez, was especially excited to share his hopes for the school’s future: “Doral Academy in twenty years, huh? Well I think that by then schooling will be less standardized than it is now with a greater focus on creativity. I know that the admins are aware of this and I feel that they’ll drive the school in that direction, maybe even being one of the first schools to switch. All the teachers I’ve had so far probably won’t be teaching in 20 years, but the best classes I’ve had have been the ones that already kind of implement that so I think we’re on track for a smooth transition. When it comes to how the students will be, I have no idea. Hopefully, they’ll be as [creative] and random as my generation because that’s what makes the school so special for me and I hope future students get to experience that.”

Others had a more mild take: “Judging from the school environment now and the steps the school has taken to improve the school, I think the school would relatively stay at the same place now. It will probably continue to add more students and take steps to try to improve student scores.” Natalie Chung (8th grader) said, “I do believe that the goals of the school will remain the same, such as gathering a group of strong students to succeed in standardized tests for their futures.”
“I don’t think the teaching methods are going to change, but more technology classes I guess, and be more involved in students lives.”- Vaishnavi Kappagantula, 8th grade. Juliette Pimbert, Sophomore, described our future high school as “very impressive to come from and a place that holds very high prestige in the Miami Dade County and Florida” and her sister, Emmy Pimbert (6th grade) added “it’s a very good school and it’s going to stay a good school that my kids might even go to.”
Mu Alpha Theta member, Christian Ramos’ vision included that of his club. “I think that 20 years from now Doral will hopefully have grown, hopefully the math club grows with it.” The freshman explained that “[he] also think[s] the school will give much more electives in much wider fields of interest as well as have an ever better dual enrollment program with Doral College.” Senior Bhavya Soni hopes to see the campus grow both physically and in programs and opportunities. Freshman Ximena Carillo agreed with her. “Maybe [we will become one of the] top 100 [highschools] in the US.” We even asked the iconic Spidey, who said: “20 years? Time will tell… I want to carry on the legacy of Spidey.” He hopes to inspire us to stay motivated and most of all, kind.